Songs From Shadow Wood

By Around The Hearth

George & Anwyn Leverett have been performing and touring together for 10 years. They performed with Nevada based Celtic folk group Clan na Gael from '92 to '99, and have now branched out with their new group Around the Hearth. They are joined by Lolly Cross (if you follow the Chiff & Fipple Message Board, chances are that you'll recognize Lolly's name).


The group currently tours 150-220 days a year, and has become a favorite of audiences from Colorado to Washington. Their music has taken them to stages and festivals throughout the west, to providing traditional dance music for the internationally acclaimed Reno Irish Dance Company. With a style that includes haunting ballads, original compositions, and lively dance tunes, the essence of the Celtic tradition is never lost when the music is coming from Around the Hearth



We've included a few audio clips from this CD below. These clips are all in MP3 format - if you aren't able to listen to them by clicking on the link, you'll need to get a music player for your computer that will play MP3 recordings. Winamp for example,   is free and very simple to download and install.


Songs from Shadow Wood
List of songs (and audio clips):

We recommend that you listen to the "hi-fi" clips (the quality is much better), but if you have trouble with long download times, you might want to try the "lo-fi" versions.

- Banish Misfortune    hi-fi     lo-fi - Maiden Wine    hi-fi     lo-fi
- Tinware Lass / Gabriel's March - Shadow Wood
- Skara Brae - O'Carolan's Welcome    hi-fi     lo-fi
- Scarborough Faire    hi-fi     lo-fi - Castle Kelly
- Glengariff Bay / Lady Ann Hope - O'Carolan's Quarrel with the Land Lady
- Sheebeg Sheemore Planxty - Merrily Courted in Spring    hi-fi     lo-fi
- Afternoon Broth - Brink of the White Rocks

Sound clips provided with kind permission of
Around the Hearth

Songs From Shadow Wood
CD by Around the Hearth
Catalog# 365SS - Price $


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