Links Page
Attention Webmasters: We'd be very happy if you'd like
to add The Whistle Shop to your Links Page. If you do this, please feel free to use one of
the banners below. The address to our main page is

The Chiff and Fipple
THE place on the Internet to find unbiased whistle information, including a
whistle-related newsletter, whistle message board and a whistle chat room. If you only
visit one link from this page, make sure it's this one!
eBay Auctions - Quite often you'll find The Whistle Shop's owner
(Thom Larson) selling some unique musical merchandise here...
Greg Vail's "Smooth Jazz
Christmas" -
Be sure to check this out! Some amazing Christmas Pennywhistle music
downloads from Jazz Saxophonist Greg Vail (many are free). You'll find the
Pennywhistle tunes
on this page.
Also be sure to check out his "Smooth
Jazz Christmas" page!
Cherish The Ladies
Website ~ If you're not familiar with CTL, you're in for a real treat. To say that
this all-woman group is full of talent is a vast understatement. The group includes the
legendary Joanie Madden on whistle and flute.
The Whistle Shop's Slow
Session - Our Slow Session meets twice a month (although it is currently on
hiatus...). It's designed mostly for new
players that may not be up to speed for a full-paced Session. Even if you don't
live close enough to join us for the Session, you'll find this page to be a good
source for learning to play (it includes some free sheetmusic, as well as
recordings of the tunes that we're working on). - Great
site for planning your trip to Ireland.
Local Ireland has
awarded The Whistle Shop with their "Stamp of
Excellence" (this award is based on exemplary design, quality of
information, user-friendly navigation and overall website excellence). We highly
recommend that you visit this site frequently if you have any interest in
Ireland and Irish culture.
great source of Irish music sessions in Central Illinois (and the Midwest). Includes a
calendar of sessions, chat room, message board and more.
Brother Steve's
Tin-whistle Pages ~ A very informative website that has lots of info on
traditional ornamentation for the whistle.
L.E. McCullough's
Website ~ Whistle/flute Master, Teacher, Poet - he does it all. A definite must-see
(formerly "Doon The Brae") plays
many styles of Celtic songs, session tunes, Ceilidh
dance music, slow airs. Find out more about this
Midwest group here.
Cuisle - (formerly "Cushla")
excellent four-member group, based in the Midwest. They tell me that they will
be posting recordings of tunes at their website that you can download free of
The Irish Times
The Lord of
the Dance Website ~ Info about Michael Flatley's Legendary Dance Troupe.
Mike Simpson's Tinwhistle
Guide ~ This very informative whistle info site was apparently taken down.
The link here is to a "mirror site" that includes most of the information.
Irish Net ~ Find
just about anything Irish on the Internet from here.
MuseScore ~ Download a shareware version of a very
easy to use sheetmusic writing program. This program will allow you to automatically print
out sheetmusic for .mid and .abc songs that you find on the Internet. It also will
transpose sheetmusic to any key with just one click (very helpful for whistle players!).
This program (in conjunction with Photo Impact) was used to write all of
the sheetmusic in our Tutorial.
eBay Auction Site
~ Probably the best place on the Internet to buy or sell just about anything.
Robert Stemmons The Whistler
~ Official Website of "The Whistler" (mouth whistling). Includes a large section
on the art of melodic mouth whistling.
~ Very nicely done website about the super-group Solas.
Terry McGee ~
An excellent info site for wooden flute (and other wooden instruments) care. Terry McGee
is a flute maker in Australia - his site is a must if you own a wooden instrument.
Glen Weiser's Celtic
Guitar Page ~ Glen is the author of three Celtic fingerstyle guitar books and a Celtic
harmonica book. He also writes for Acoustic Guitar and Sin Out magazines. His site
includes free Celtic guitar tablature, articles on Celtic Guitar, discographies, and much
The Coors ~ Well
done website for the Irish pop group The Corrs.
The Whistle Workshop
and Gig Guide ~ a nicely done website by David Auty dedicated to whistles. Includes
tips on playing whistle, tunes and more.
The Old Music Project - Website
dedicated to "the preservation and promulgation of 'older' music".
JC's TuneFinder ~ Looking for a specific tune? Try here.
SETI At Home ~ A
very exciting project by SETI (the Search for Extra-Terrestrial Intelligence). Hundreds of
thousands of people like you and me are using their PC's in this search for life on other
planets. You download a block of radio telescope information from Seti's site, then your
computer processes it whenever your screensaver comes on. When this block of information
has been processed, you send it back to SETI and get a new block to process. You might be
the one that finds ET! You can download the "Screensaver" program at
